Through accessible and inclusive media it acts as a repository of personal and place-based narratives, telling the stories of communities, movements and individuals from a variety of different territories.
NarrAbility enables users to explore fluid combinations of textual, audio and visual content. It offers customisable publication formats for social engagement, inclusion, empowerment, heritage-making and cultural development.
This collection of stories was initiated during the workshop Who Owns Kreuzberg realised by Tesserae at the FHXB museum in November 2019 in the framework of the H2020 project CoCreation. It is part of a collective exercise to design a “narrative map” of the urban development and related struggles in Kreuzberg. The focus is on the concept of creativity with its double edged character, both as a tool for resistance and empowerment of local communities and as a powerful rhetorical device to foster speculative processes and financial investment.
Creativity Resistance Gentrification CoCreation Art Berlin Kreuzberg
This collection presents stories regarding the history, social identity and solidarity practices of the Schöneberg neighbourhood in Berlin. It was initiated during the training program “Collaborative Atlases for heritage and the Commons” funded by the EU Erasmus+ project OpenCCCP, and is the outcome of a training module on digital storytelling.
Berlin Schöneberg heritage
By Arthur Nihoul
Berlin Schöneberg
By Wiebke Blum
Berlin Schöneberg
By Luis Miguel Benavides Trejo
Berlin Schöneberg heritage
By Francesco Scardaccione
Berlin Schöneberg heritage
By Emma Zerial
Le UPPER stories sono una collezione di narrazioni basate sull'esperienza personale, le percezioni, le aspettative e le opinioni dei cittadini di Latina sull'uso attuale e futuro dei quartieri coinvolti dal progetto Urban Innovative Action UPPER. Verranno realizzate nel corso del progetto con l'obiettivo di raccontare il vissuto e la memoria dei luoghi coinvolti, bisogni, problemi, idee e progetti, e infine il processo di rigenerazione e i nuovi usi che li abiteranno.
Upper Latina partecipazione
Studenti 3°B e 3°L (Liceo G.B. Grassi)
Upper Latina partecipazione
Di Gargiulo, Iacovacci, Romeo, Vicinanza (Liceo G.B. Grassi)
Upper Latina partecipazione
di Forzati, Galieni, Hiziy, Marangoni, Moretto, Paulotto (Liceo G.B. Grassi)
Upper Latina partecipazione
di Matteo Del Vecchio
Upper Latina lavoro inclusione
di Matteo Del Vecchio
Upper Latina esplorazione
di Matteo Del Vecchio
NarrAbility is conceived and produced by Tesserae Urban Social Research, designed and developed by ogino:knauss.